Alton’s Blog
Proud to be Bahamian
This is our ‘ting’. Throughout The Bahamas, Junkanoo is a time of excitement and joy. A major part of the Christmas Season, Junkanoo is uniquely Bahamian. Hundreds of people come together to create beautiful costumes from cardboard and crepe paper. On Boxing Day and New Year’s Day huge parades take place in Nassau and smaller ones in the Family Islands. Everyone has a part in the excitement-dancing, playing drums and cowbells, and horns. Nothing like it anywhere else. It’s our ‘ting’!
Market Mornin'
"Market Mornin’” by Alton R. Lowe
There was a time not so long ago, not just in the Out Islands, but in Nassau, the Bahamian capital itself, that the pace of life for everyone was leisurely and gracious. The smile of the people and the “Good Mornings” were a daily occurrence throughout the islands. The smallest home ‘over-the-hill’ had little pots of flowers on the porches. Even the formality of government square with its statue of Queen Victoria moved at a slower pace. Times change, but the goodness and kindness of the people still remains. - Alton
Sacred Ground
“Sacred Ground" The majority of Bahamians, from the earliest days, have been deeply religious. Even the smallest settlement has its church. When times have been difficult, people have turned to God for hope and support. I tried to capture this as a symbol of the deep reliance which many of us place in the Almighty.