Little Boarding House


“Little Boarding House” (Harbour Island) painting by Alton R. Lowe

One of the oldest houses in Dunmore Town, the boarding house was usually filled with people coming for a short stay to visit the island. Dunmore Town itself was named after Lord Dunmore, who was governor from 1786–1797. Many Green Turtle Cay families, like the Lowes, Currys, and Saunders, originally came from Harbour Island.

Dunmore Town is one of the oldest settlements in the Bahamas. It was known by its 3 mile long, pink sand beach, but also as a major shipbuilding center. “Brilanders“ built sailing vessels from the size of dinghies to the famous four masted schooner, the Marie J. Thompson, the largest ship ever built in the Bahamas. A model of the Marie J. Thompson is in the Albert Lowe Museum on Green Turtle Cay. Today, Harbour Island remains one of the most popular tourist islands. As for the “Little Boarding House", it is now a private home, and itself a tourist attraction. - Alton


The Shellers

