A Prayer for Our Country


“A Prayer for Our Country” painting by Alton R. Lowe

As I look at a reproduction of this beautiful painting, so many memories flood into my mind. It seems only a short time ago that the Government of The Bahamas sent me to San Salvador to create a series of paintings for the 500th anniversary of Columbus landing in the New World. The result, was a wonderful series of stamps depicting the arrival and landing, as well as images of Lucayan society at the time.

An unexpected benefit of the government commission, was this painting of the Columbus monument commemorating the site believed to be the original landing place of the Europeans. Archeologists actually found beads from Columbus’ time quite near to the cross.

The Lucayans called the island Guanahani and the Spanish San Salvador (Holy Savior). To this day, the island maintains a peaceful and even spiritual air quite unlike the rest of The Bahamas. The population is small and development quite limited. Visitors all marvel at the unspoiled feeling one experiences on the island.

30 years have now passed since I first visited the island. The memory of the cross still remains sharply etched in my mind. Only now it symbolizes for me a kind of prayer that this land that we love will continue to be a place where we can all live in dignity.

Seeing the two children at the feet of the cross reminds me of how much we depend on Divine Providence for both our past and our future. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of our independence, one can only hope that our future and the future of these blessed islands will remain a welcoming place for us and our children now and into the future. - Alton


Gifts from the Sea